That time of the year is here and I am dreading it. BACK TO SCHOOL!!! A new year, new teacher to get used to, fundraisers and the sad goodbye I am able to eeek out to my little pumpkin on her first day of school just makes it even more real to me how quickly she is growing up (sigh) Anywhoo I digress.
For me personally I have to make a list when I go to any store and I have to have a certain dollar amount in mind to stay within my limits and not go over only later to be plagued with the infamous "Buyer's Remorse". This year I am just making her back to school shopping list super simple and easy.
I will be making it colorful with big words and check boxes so my little Missy can help me with it. There will be two lists one for clohting items and one for school supplies I am hoping to only go to 2 stores. But since I have been couponing I will probably go where the sales are.
2nd Grade here we Come!!!
Clothing List (uniforms yippeee)
-Skirts (2)
-Jumper (1)
-Shorts (2)
-Pants (1)
-Leggings (3)
-Shirts (10)
-Shoes (2 prs)
School Supplies
-Lunch Box
-Back Pack
-Paper work Binder (for school announcements,handouts)
- Home work Binder (Completed homework)
I will tell you how I do as far as budget and where I went =)
Stay Tuned for How I Organize her School Clothes and Paper work